Welcome to the Endangered Animal Arts Club

The Story behind the Endangered Animal Arts Club

Ava is almost 9 years old. Her attention to visuals and graphics was evident from a young age where she spent hours looking through picture books. She started creating illustrations and short stories when she was 6 years old. She was in her elements when creating art work.

She was also in her elements when taking nature walks or playing in the forest behind her home. Her attention to her environment soon turned into a passion to protect the environment and its habitats. She actively researched and gained knowledge of the kinds of animals in danger of being hunted and eventually extinct.

The Endangered Animals Arts Club is the combination of her two interests- her love of visual arts and her compassion towards endangered species. She persistently pursued her passion, persuaded her classroom teacher to sponsor her club, involved her like-minded classmates in creating crafts, put up posters around the school, and finally started selling the art work.

Ava is determined to stop the extinction of the Amur Leopard, the White Lion, and the Polar Bear. Currently, she has chosen the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in their efforts to protect the three endangered species.

Please see their website for more information and how the funds are used (www.wwf.ca )

EAA Logo.png

The Artists

Aaron - Clay erasers

Ava - Painting on canvas

Ella - Stuffed foods

Emma - Transparents on wood and rock

Maia - Rainbow loom bracelets and painting on canvas

Saara - Beaded bracelets


To order artwork please send an email to eaac.order@gmail.com

Please include the name of the artwork, which can be found in the gallery

All proceeds are donated to WWF

Click the button below to order or to go to Gallery